I noticed that our 2009 article on the Palladio Component Model is currently the most cited article of the Journal of Systems and Software during the last 5 years (77 citations). My 2010 performance evaluation survey is the most downloaded article from Elsevier’s Performance Evaluation Journal from July 2010 to June 2011.
Many thanks to all readers and downloaders, I feel humbled by the apparent interest in these works! 🙂
Google Scholar find’s even 156 citations: http://scholar.google.de/scholar?cites=16592619221004117984&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&hl=de
and the elsevier counter has raised to 80 ….
How many of them might be from our group….? 😉
This query excludes authors from the Palladio/Descartes group and currently results in 65 papers.