Category Archives: Events

ICPE 2018 – Industry Track – Call for Participation

In April next year, software performance engineering experts from around the world will gather in Berlin for the 9th International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE2018. The conference will have a great industry track program with contributions from many companies, such as Cisco, IBM, Oracle, Bosch, and LinkedIn. Topics range from energy consumption benchmarking, microservices, virtualization, software containers, distributed profiling, and software-defined networks. It should be an exciting conference with the opportunity to share experiences across companies and between academia and practice. So, book your trip to Berlin!

"Architekturen 2014" at ABB Ladenburg

The annual meeting of the special interest group on “software architecture” of the German Computer Science Society called “Architekturen 2014” was held at ABB Ladenburg. The meeting’s main theme was “Architectures for Industry 4.0“. The fourth industrial revolution is expected from a reorganization of industrial production processes to exploit the capabilities of cyber-physical systems. A dozen of invited talks from researchers and practitioners gave various perspectives on the topic and how it will affect software architectures.
Architekturen 2013

Come to SATURN 2013!

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference will take place at the Marriott City Center in Minneapolis from April 29 to May 3, 2013. Olaf Zimmermann and me served as program co-chairs this year. The conference features an exciting program with keynotes from Stephan Murer (Credit Suisse), Scott Berkun, and Mary Poppendieck as well as more than 30 talks from renowned industrial speakers. Early registration runs until April 1st!

2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid

Together with Ian, Jenny, Anne, and Mazeiar, I am organizing SE4SG’13, the 2nd International Workshop on “Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid” at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2013 in San Francisco, US. This 2nd workshop will focus on understanding and identifying the unique challenges and opportunities for SE to contribute to and enhance the design and development of the smart grid. Thanks to all members of the program committee for providing great reviews to the paper submissions. The workshop will be held on May 18th and will feature five paper presentations and a working session.