This paper shows how our software tools Palladio and PerOpteryx were used in capacity planning for a web-based remote diagnostics system at ABB. It will be presented at the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2012) in April in Boston, US.
Category Archives: Papers
I noticed that our 2009 article on the Palladio Component Model is currently the most cited article of the Journal of Systems and Software during the last 5 years (77 citations). My 2010 performance evaluation survey is the most downloaded article from Elsevier’s Performance Evaluation Journal from July 2010 to June 2011.
Many thanks to all readers and downloaders, I feel humbled by the apparent interest in these works! 🙂
IEEE TSE paper accepted
A journal paper entitled “Architecture-Based Reliability Prediction with the Palladio Component Model” based on our QoSA 2010 conference paper was accepted in “IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering“. A preprint PDF is available here.
Automated Transformation of Component-based Software Architecture Models to Queueing Petri Nets
New paper accepted at MASCOTS 2011: “This paper contributes a formal mapping from PCM to QPN models, implemented by means of an automated model-to-model transformation as part of a new PCM solution method based on simulation of QPNs. The limitations of the mapping and the accuracy and overhead of the new solution method compared to existing methods are evaluated in detail in the context of five case studies of different size and complexity. The new solution method proved to provide good accuracy with solution overhead up to 20 times lower compared to PCM’s reference solver.”
Three papers accepted at QoSA 2011
Three new papers have been accepted at the 7th International ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA’11), which will be held in Boulder, Colorado, USA in June:
A Large-Scale Industrial Case Study on Architecture-based Reliability Prediction
Here’s a wordle from a new paper accepted at ISSRE’10:
Two journal papers online
Two journal papers with my co-authorship have gone online:
– Springer Journal on Empirical Software Engineering:
From monolithic to component-based performance evaluation of software architectures: A series of experiments analysing accuracy and effort [Preprint-PDF]
– Elsevier Journal on Performance Evaluation:
Performance evaluation of component-based software systems: A survey [Preprint-PDF]
New publications
I have added some new entries to the publication page.
Multi-tenant Architectures
Recently got a paper accepted at SE2010, which will take place February 22-26th in Paderborn, Germany. Here’s a small preview of the paper (created with